Friday, March 25, 2011

Education for Sustainability

Greening Our Schools — Transformative Education for Sustainability

Greening the curriculum means ensuring that students are capable of taking on the 21st century challenges of global warming and climate change (the most serious threat ever to face humanity), social inequities, unsustainable lifestyles, and the urgent need to switch to a renewable energy-based economy.

The Value of School Gardens

School gardens are a wonderful way to use the schoolyard as a classroom, reconnect students with the natural world and the true source of their food, and teach them valuable gardening and agriculture concepts and skills that integrate with several subjects, such as math, science, art, health and physical education, and social studies, as well as several educational goals, including personal and social responsibility.

Julie Johnston, GreenHeart Education, is offering great educational resources for teachers and everyone else interested in Education for Sustainability
check out

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